‘AdamSmile is getting closer to being constructed.’ That is the hope of the AdamSmile trustees as they continue to press the Leicestershire County Council (LCC) on two fronts.
Although it has been over 10 years since Adam died, the trustee’s determination to provide a safe walking and cycling route between Lubenham and Market Harborough is as strong as ever. They have recently had their hopes of progress raised through work with LCC in respect of formalising a public access route and in conjunction with the Market Harborough Transport Strategy consultation.
The AdamSmile trustees have proposed that the old railway line be formally adopted on official maps as a footpath, with a view to upgrading it to a cycleway thereafter. This process, known as a Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO), has involved getting statements from people who have walked the route over many years, and from land owners who would be affected. The DMMO application is now being considered by the legal team at LCC and the trustees are really hoping for a good result.
The transport strategy consultation includes reference to improved walking and cycling routes and incorporates specific reference to the Lubenham / Harborough route. The consultative draft suggests a route alongside the existing road but the AdamSmile trustees are concerned that it does not appear to deal with the narrow part at the Lubenham end which is exactly where Adam died. The trustees have responded to LCC to raise their concerns and to highlight the railway line option.
The charity has received over £130,000 in public donations towards its objective. These funds will make a real impact on the project once the legal processes are completed. The charity has a list of every donation and the trustees are hugely grateful to all those who have helped so far.
Ten years have passed very quickly. But the object of the AdamSmile charity remains the same and the trustees continue to work to find a way of making it happen.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in contact.